Tuesday, February 23, 2010

... on self preservation

Title: Two 'Ducks'...on self preservation
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 5 x7 inches
Artist: betsisanders '10

On self preservation... whether the other person is right or wrong isn't important. When someone criticizes you, blames you or calls you names, instead of retaliating or defending yourself --- do nothing. Allow yourself to be diminished and by doing so, you don't become less but rather become more. Refrain from strengthening yourself by showing off, or wanting to stand out, be special, make an impression or attract attention. Do not express your opinion when everyone else is expressing hers. ..... "When you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place so that when your host comes, he may say to you, friend, move up higher."

Lose yourself to find yourself.


I love painting swans, such beautiful and elegant creatures. Remember the ugly duckling? ... grew up to be a magnificent swan. Many girls from grade school,used to be ugly ducklings, but have grown more beautiful and lovelier as they matured or turned 'golden'. Swans are not ducks ;[ , but I'd like to believe they were once ducks.

Remember the two ducks who got into a fight? Their fight didn't last long. They separated and had gone off in opposite directions. Then each duck flapped its wings vigorously to release the surplus energy that built up during their fight. After which, each duck flew on peacefully, as if nothing happened.

That's how it should be... Turn your back and walk away. Flap your wings until all your anger is gone. Go on with your life peacefully, leave those who hurt you. Forget them. They are not worth your time and your love. Be around those people who love you back.

OR..... as the Buddha taught... most problems, if you only give them enough time and space --- will eventually wear themselves out. So, instead of fighting about everything or every point, let your grievances or conflicts dissolve. This takes a lot of patience and time. Time will heal everything. In the meantime, keep away, keep your cool, keep quiet, keep 'some' for yourself... in time.... everything will be alright.


This painting will be on exhibit at The Crucible Gallery, SM Megamall, 4th Floor, on March 2 to 14, 2010, a group exhibit entitled "Senaskwela". Participating artists are students of Mr. Fernando B. Sena. See you on March 2, Tuesday at 6pm for the grand opening.

betsisanders '10 (Feb. 23,2010)