Saturday, April 16, 2011

you don't have to read this...

Title: Flowers
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Artist: betsisanders


But I have to write this. Journals used to be called diaries, which were kept in camphor chests, hidden, locked in. ... but not anymore.

Singers need to sing, dancers swing, painters paint and writers blog.

We don't just 'blog' about our lives or we will run out of material. There are all sorts of bloggers, picture bloggers, food bloggers, travel bloggers, art bloggers.... name it, we are everywhere.

Journaling or blogging is an outlet, an expression of one's personality or art, a way to release emotions. Why do we do it? Most of us don't get paid for it, but we still do it and do it often.

In today's technology, we can track down our readers, our followers. We can even track the number of times our blogs are viewed. ... and this is quite gratifying. Some of those who have viewed my blogs have even written personal emails and say they appreciate what I do. Some say they get amused and I put a smile on their faces =] some laugh, LOL...

So my dear friends, readers, followers, Thank you for your expressions of appreciation, your support, your kind words... you really didn't have to read this blog, but you did.

I always say that if one person appreciates what I do, then it is enough. If no one appreciates, I know there is One Who does, and that is more than enough.


TODAY'S BLOG..... entiendes? entiendo!

I understand why our relationship has been severely damaged.
I understand the irreparable damage.
I understand the pain that you have caused me.
I even understand the lies you've told about me.
I understand why you blame me... or why you did it.
I understand why you didn't love me back.
I understand that my kindness wasn't enough, didn't need a friend, you needed and wanted more than I can give.
I understand your greed.
You grabbed my whole arm when I offered a helping hand.
I understand your selfishness, self love , is it?
I do understand... but that doesn't mean I accept.

The hurt, the bad memories still remain. it just takes a small nudge and it resurfaces again.

If I die before you do, it is freedom... my liberation from understanding you. It is difficult to always be walking on eggshells , to always be understanding.

Entiendes? Entiendo!


I love flowers. I love painting flowers. I also love receiving flowers.
Give me flowers when I can still touch and smell them; when my eyes can still see and appreciate their beautiful colors. Do not send flowers when I die. Send them now, when I am well and able to thank you.

{Dear readers, I do not write solely based on my life. I write what others feel, yet fail to express.}

/ blog written on April 14, 2011 / My little angel would have turned 24 today.
/ blog published today April 24, 2011....Happy Easter everyone!!!

love, love lots, truly love.... betsisanders 2011