Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sneak Peek into My Life's Abstractions

Title: My Life's Abstractions
Medium: Mixed Media / Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 39 x 39 inches
Artist: betsisanders 2010

What is life's abstractions? It is whatever you think it is. It is whatever I feel at this moment, and that can change any time. It is freedom of expression. It is your freedom of interpretation. They can represent anything that comes to your mind at this time. It is anything, something or simply nothing.

It is what I want you to see...only those that I want to show. I may be criticized, misunderstood, judged. It doesn't matter.

Life is what I make it. Life is what I do with it. Life can be beautiful when I create. Life can be a drag if one destroys. As much as possible, I do not wish to hurt or tear down anyone.

I have no control of what you think or what you feel. If what I say or do displeases you, then, I will choose to walk away from you.

As I have quoted Dan Brown ..'there are those who create and those who tear down'.. I know which one I choose to be. If it isn't good enough for you, it is good enough for me. ... and that is all that matters. In the end, only He matters.

My Life's Abstractions / Part 8

Title: Peace & Freedom
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 8 ... of My Life's Abstractions

As Ms. Gilda Cordero-Fernando wrote in the Sunday paper, "Freedom is one of the perks of getting old.I can go anywhere I wish and with whom. Or not show up. I can dress any way I want, avoid funerals or golden anniversaries. I can join a safari (if I can walk), or enroll for a doctorate, or learn how to put on make up and false eyelashes, or learn to cut hair or disappear into the maw of an ashram.I can be as silly as I want, or wear bling-blings, or be as glittery as Lady Gaga? I can undergo liposuction, tummy tuck or go through what they call a plastic overhaul."

I can do whatever I want. At my age, who cares if I sleep til noon, or if I watch DVD's until dawn? Who cares if I cook and bake for days? Who cares where I go or how I spend? ..or if I all I do is type away on my computer, blog, or just surf the web. That's freedom.

The lady writer also said that "Freedom also recognizes other people's feelings." I say, "...most specially my feelings. If it doesn't feel right , or feel good, I'll walk away, stay away."


Title: Two 'Ducks'
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

There will always be 'two ducks' in all of my paintings.

After two ducks get into a fight, which doesn't last long, they separate and go off in opposite directions. Then each duck flaps its wings vigorously o release the surplus and pent up energy or anger built up during the fight. After which, they flap their wings and fly away on opposite directions. They fly on peacefully, as if nothing happened.

I am one of those ducks who chose to walk away, fly away as far away as I could... to live in peace, to love only those who love me back and to try to be happy most of the time, if not, all the time.


"I know I haven't stopped growing up. I still have a lot of questions. I seek answers. I face more obtacles and will learn from these. It will never be enough. Once I stop asking, learning, doing and being, and when there is no more room for life's lessons, then it'll be my sweet ending.”

My Life's Abstractions / Part 7

Title: My World
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 7 of 8 ... of My Life's Abstractions

Walking on Eggshells by Jane Isay

I've read this book and please allow me to quote directly from it. I will rewrite what Ms Jane had written, add my own personal information and experiences, blend my life with those of people she had written about. I would have wanted to write this on my own but I am not a good writer like Ms. Jane. What she has written explains to me how and why things happen and happened in my life. It will make me understand why and how to live with a sibling, a child, a parent, a relative or even a friend, who suffers from a psychiatric or psychological problem. It will help me cope with this difficult life when I am 'walking on eggshells'.

How do I create, preserve or restore the unique treasure that is family love when there was none to begin with? How do I sustain, maintain and keep relationships with my friends, partners, lovers, when the love has waned, the trust is gone, and the friendship is over?

I have one father, one mother, two sisters. They are all that I once had. I value them and love them. ... and I do expect to be valued and loved in return. How do I create, restore, or preserve that family love when one has chosen to live a continent away, ...away not just from me but from our entire family.

In this age of technology, where people are reconnected... long lost classmates from grade school, schoolmates from college, even neighbors have been 'found' through networking sites like Facebook, Multiply, Blogspot or even for the 'not for smart people' Twitter.

All my life, my parents have always told me to understand my sister Victoria, to give her more attention, to extend my patience and never to snap at her, because she is 'special'... one who is emotionally challenged.

Is there really such a thing as a happy family? Those who claim to belong to a happy family all work and think together about how to make things right. But any family who makes you think it is perfect is covering up the truth. Don't we all wish to belong to a perfect happy family, those wonderful parents with perfect grown up children, no conflicts, no problems. I have come to realize that they only show you what they want you to see... and that someone in that family is working doubly hard to make a good impression. I am referring to the family I grew up with, not the family I made.

Fights and reconciliations. Pain and joy are the stuff of human life. Expectations not met, feelings hurt, serious mistakes by everyone... that is what real life is made of. What needs to be done is how to stay connected through the hard times; how to maintain the balance between closeness and distance that works for all of us... and to make sure that the bonds don't break. Easy to say but quite difficult to do.

Conflict in any relationship is scary. It takes a tremendous amount of confidence to lay your cards on the table. Most people don't have the courage to fight, because they are afraid of permanently damaging relationships. They use other means to deal with differences. They choose and take the alternate route.

Distance is her friend. She has put up walls, huge heavy brick walls to keep us away from her life, to keep us from getting too close and by doing so, years have passed, many many years. She seldom writes or calls. She sends e-cards or roses... that's it. That's about it. .. and that is all that will ever be. Physical distance can sometimes help maintain harmony where conflicts exist. The geographical distance has enabled her to be herself. But how long can I put up with this kind of relationship? Love will wane and I will drift away and never come back. I will choose to walk away and never return.

Old fights, new issues...they have kept people apart emotionally. Perhaps we are both disappointed in one another. We are too demanding, and our disappointment shows, or, our old quirks still rub them the wrong way.

There are holes in my heart created by failed relationships. However, there are others who patiently and lovingly fill up these holes in my heart and she is my other sister Maria. I also have many friends and relatives who make up for the shortcomings of my frenemies and sister Victoria.

Elizabeth David said, “There are people who take the heart out of you, and there are people who put it back.”


I am not the only one walking on eggshells here. We all do. But what we should do is try to keep the peace and never give up on those we love. As they say, "Never give up on love." If you still find it very difficult, then just let things be. Time could probably heal and repair all wounds. If not, then so be it. At the end of the day, you can truly say that you did your best. If one person appreciates what you do, then that is enough. If no one appreciates, you know well that He does and that's more than enough.

My Life's Abstractions / Part 6

Title: There's Nothing to Hide
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 6 of 8 ... of My Life's Abstractions

"Growth happens at any age. A seven year old may mature early when life is hard or maturity may elude an 80 year old grandfather, who has refused to learn from the mistakes he has committed in his lifetime.

Life is about choices. Follow your heart and you will never go wrong. Do not be embarrassed to say no. How many social functions are we 'forced' to attend? We treat them as bothersome obligations rather than joyful happenings.

We become more and more honest as we get older. We choose whom we want to see or prefer not to at the moment. He or she may be someone you love, used to love, like or used to like. It doesn't matter. It won't matter . You'll survive it and he /she will too.

Growing old is having the freedom of not having to say something nice. If you don't feel it, don't say it. It is learning to keep your mouth shut lest you utter sharp criticisms or hurtful words. Grown ups should not indulge in gossip.

Growing old is having the courage to detach from a person, a group or activity that we feel no longer makes us grow. Or drags us down.Old people no longer do things to please anybody."

There is no need to hide anything, or hide from anybody. Everything is out in the open. Take me or leave me. Love me or hate me. It doesn't matter anymore. My time is short and one day, nothing will matter anymore.

Only one will matter to me. Him.

[ Quotes from "When I Grow Up" by Ms. Gilda Cordero-Fernando]

My Life's Abstractions / Part 5

Title: I Forgive You
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 5 of 8... of My Life's Abstractions

Some people are like slinkies --- not really good for anything, but they bring a smile on your face when pushed down the stairs.' ...MEAN.... yes. I'm sure you feel the same way about your frenemies and they feel the same way about you too.

This is just a monstrous thought, a harmless funny thought. You can just laugh at it. No further action is necessary. You have released your emotions and then you can simply go back to what you were doing. .. or you can choose to forgive.

to forgive and be forgiven” is maturity. I have been enslaved by deep hurts and have built up walls or fortresses of unforgiveness. While my frenemies, the unforgiven, just got up and go... they brushed off the dust of unforgiveness and went on with their lives.

I choose to forgive ..not to benefit others but to do myself the favor of walking away, to be free from the pain and release them all to Him,, who is the ultimate judge.

This is what I intend to do....Forgiveness is easier said than done.... but I will try this. I forgive you for the damage that you have done. I forgive you for the pain that you have caused me. I forgive you for taking advantage of my kindness. I forgive you for all the lies you have told about me. I forgive you not loving me back. I forgive you for the relationship that had been severely damaged.

I will say this over and over. I will repeat it over and over when I am alone. At first it will just be on the mind level. The hurt and the bad memories still remain in my bones, blood and cells. It needs only a small nudge for the resentment and hurt to surface once again....Only a shift in perception can finally excise it....if I fail today, I will start again tomorrow. I will call on the universe until it helps me to forgive and to let go, until the pain and the hurt will cease to exist.

(Portions of this was taken from an article I read last Sunday, written by Ms. Gilda Cordero-Fernando. Thank you Madam, you helped me a lot with what you wrote and as I publish this blog, others may benefit from it too.)

My Life's Abstractions / Part 3 & 4

Title: “The Lady loves... flowers & heels”
Meduim: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 3 of 8 ... of My Life's Abstractions

Who doesn't love flowers? I love yellow roses. Other than flowers, I love wearing heels. I'm barely 5 feet in height , too short. After my spine surgery in 1997, I wasn't allowed to wear high heels for long periods of time.

Happiness is receiving flowers.

Happiness is being able to walk without a limp, without the aid of crutches or a cane, and most specially, to be able to wear heels and walk with ease and grace.

Title: Church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas / Mixed Media
Part 4 of 8 ... of My Life's Abstractions

Why do you pray? ... and ...How do you pray?

I pray not because I want something or need anything... not because I'm in trouble, nor hurt, nor I'm damaged, distressed, miserable or suffering. .. not because life is hard.

I pray to thank God. If your only prayer is a prayer of thanks then that will suffice.

My Life's Abstractions / Part 1 & 2

Title: What can you see?
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 1 of 8 .. of My Life's Abstractions

You will only see what I want you to see. At my age, I have realized and accepted that there are a lot of stuff that I may never have; there are things that I can never do; and that who I am now is all that I'll ever be. At this age, I am limited by my talent, financial capabilities, physical disabilities or handicap, lack of opportunity or missed opportunities; even limited by “connections” - who's who, whom I've never met nor will ever meet... and for lack of time.

That man is you... trying to see me, but you will only see what I want you to see.

Title: Sunlight
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Part 2 of 8 .. of My Life's Abstractions

Have you heard the song “Save the Sunlight” by Lani Hall, or “Like a Lover” by Sergio Mendez, “Sunlight” by Kevin Lettau and Tower of Power's “You Can't Fall Up”. These are just some of my favorite songs. What do these songs have in common? They are songs about love and life. How the sun, the moon , the stars become your most loved one. .. and how one cannot fall up , but just fall down.

The sunrise and the sunset are the most used subjects in paintings. As I see the sun over the horizon, I feel His presence, His omnipotence. I feel His love through those beautiful 'picture-perfect' sunsets... and after the long dark lonely night, He wakes me up and showers me with His love through a most magnificent sunrise.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

"our eyes like our memories need help"

Title : Church
Size: 12 x 14 inches
Medium: Mixed Media / Acrylic on Canvas
Date: 2007

As one gets older, the first thing to go is the eyesight. Didn't we use to have perfect 20/20 vision during our youth? That was also how we viewed our life, very clear and full of optimism. But as the years went by, our vision started to fail us. We have become less optimistic, with all the obstacles, trials and problems we've gone through, we see our lives less clear. We hurt, we fear, we ache and we cry all the time. Our eyes , like our memories need help. We need a clearer vision of our lives. Bad memories sometimes dominate our thoughts. Our memories need to remember only the good times, the 'happy' days.

Ten years ago, my Nanay was on her death bed. She had been bedridden for almost one and a half years, undergoing peritoneal dialysis four times a day. There were days when I didn't know what to do, when all I could do was cry, when I couldn't do anything but pray. ... and even if I prayed a lot, I still ended up frightened, frustrated, even angry.

Every time the Our Father was sung during Mass, I start weeping uncontrollably. I used to wear dark sunglasses to church, until one day, I finally stopped going to church.

One time, I went to the Ateneo at Rockwell, where Boyet as taking his MBA. I passed by the chapel and thought of saying a short prayer. It was my first time to visit this chapel. I saw the Bible, which was on a lectern and that day's Gospel was about “The Lord's Prayer”. ... “Our Father in heaven, holy be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done.... on earth as it is in heaven...” I realized the meaning of the first few lines. Didn't I always pray the Our Father when saying the rosary? But never really understood what it meant.

It is God's will that shall be done here on earth. With this prayer, I surrendered my fears and anxieties. I lifted everything to Him. I knew He would take care of everything. He would take care of my Nanay. He would end all her suffering. God won't give everything I asked for, but in my heart, I knew that whatever happens, it'll be for the best. I learned to trust in Him. He has a plan for me and for all of us. .. and everything will happen in God's time.

As we get much older, our loved ones, our grandparents, then, our parents, even our partners and friends, sometimes even our children have to go ahead of us.

Cry if you have to, if you need to ... because that's the only thing that you can do. But you can't cry forever. so hold on to the fond memories, the ' happy times' .. these can help you go through the sad days and the lonely nights. ... and don't forget to pray “The Our Father”. It helps me, it'll help you too.

Our eyes and our memories need help. Our Father will provide all the help we need.