Friday, August 22, 2014

July August 2014
With balikbayan Dr. Agnes at Tahir's Kitchen

Friday, August 15, 2014

Why do I blog?

Why do I blog?

It's my diary; my journal;  a daily account of the events that happen in my life; a compilation of my life’s adventures; a record of events that I wish to have a full account of, (not just pictures) but thoughts, feelings, emotions. I  write about things I am passionate about. I express my personal opinions on certain issues. I reveal myself to not just friends and family, but to the entire www.  It stimulates my mind in a positive way.  It stops my over thinking and pushes me to think of positive thoughts that I can share with everyone.   It is a productive way to spend time, waste time or make use of time. It makes me happy. 

betsisanders 2014