Sunday, September 29, 2013

Half Truths

Iyanla wrote, “Most of us tell little fibs to impress others or to hide what we perceive to be a weakness. To keep from being found out, we are compelled to lie. But remember, what you draw to you is what you are. If you are being dishonest with someone, someone will be dishonest with you. Dishonesty in general, and lying in particular, is the fear-motivated behavior of the need to be in control and the lack of self-knowledge.”

Someone once told me that she doesn't lie. She just 
withholds information and omits the truth.
Huh?  Can you say that again?  
Some people have this knack or this uncanny ability 
to twist things and I am the idiot who fell 
for all their half truths, fibs and lies.
She even said that some information were not
relevant to our friendship.
 I have been around so many pathological 
liars and I have had enough of them. 
May I quote an article that I just read in Yahoo.
Con-men have always sought out new ways and means to deceive people into believing their tall tales, only to be left high and dry at the end of the ordeal. So here are a few tips and tricks that you can practice to avoid getting caught up in a scam:

1. Do a thorough background check.

Con men usually have a shady and hazy background. They either have a vital aspect of backlog missing or tend to give out vague answers whenever questioned about their past or previous ventures. Unfortunately though, the professionals also have that covered and they tend to give an elaborate past which may sound thoroughly believable. The only way to confirm this is to check and cross-check the facts with legitimate sources, and then do a full-blown research before venturing into the deal.

2. If it's too good to be true, then it's probably fake.

Be extremely cautious of the extravagant image that the con-men paint in front of your eyes. If they’re trying to sell you something, they may over-sell it and add certain sly points just to make themselves sound more convincing. Having a thorough knowledge of that field will help you in differentiating the good from the bad, or from the worst.

3. If it's for free, you may end up paying for it.

Stay alert about anything that closely says that it’s free. Nothing is for free, and if it was, they would’ve given it away without any strings attached. There is always a package, a scheme or a programme that they’d tell you to enrol in to avail the free offer. Be careful before venturing into such shady deals. Or even better, don’t venture at all! And always remember, nothing is free!

4. Look for proof.

It is always preferred to have some physical proof ready just in case a con-man tries to con you. Having a paperwork in place or some CCTV camera footage, photographs, phone conversations, messages, emails, etc. This will provide a strong proof if you ever get conned and run the risk of being proved innocent. Also, rope in your close associates and let your plans be known to your family members and friends. A witness goes a long way in resolving such cases.

5. Check the paperwork.

Con-men tend to possess legit looking paperwork that can pass off as the real one. So always have a brief knowledge about the paperwork being conducted. Also, always keep a lawyer handy to understand and comprehend the legal jargon that might be used to confuse you. Never take any hasty decisions or run into conclusions. Take your own sweet time to make decisions.
The lesser you use your common sense, the more you are likely to be duped. Make the con-men’s work difficult by avoiding their scam tactics. Use these handy tips to spot a swindle and nip the devil in the bud.
I didn't do these things. I thought that friendship and trust were enough.
/ betsisanders 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 2013 in pictures

At Sambo Kojin EDSA for Camille's birthday treat.
Thanks Ate Nene!
With the DF at Corazon's, Shangrila Mall
At Newport Performing Arts for Midlife Crisis 
5th Anniversary
Cafe Mediterranean, Newport Mall, Resorts World
Joint birthday celebration of Angela and Swanee
Just love these Ms. Saigon Travel Buddies!!!
/ betsisanders 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Koi, an acrylic painting by betsisanders

Title:  Koi
Size:  16 x 20 inches
Medium:  Acrylic
Artist: betsisanders 2013
Quotes from FB
I have trust issues.
I learned this a bit late.
What to do... choose friends wisely. 
That's what my Mom used to say.
/ betsisanders 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Door, an acrylic painting by betsisanders

Title:  Door
Size:  16 x 20 inches
Medium:  Acrylic
Artist:  betsisanders 2013
Thanks Sir Paulo Coelho for your words of wisdom.
/  betsisanders 2013

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Naked Truth, a watercolor painting by betsisanders

Title:  Naked Truth
Size:  8 x 11 inches
Medium:  Watercolor
Artist:  betsisanders 2013
I love painting nudes.
 I am still learning how to blend and use the
 right colors to paint the perfect skin tone.
/ betsisanders 2013

Friday, September 06, 2013

Sunflower Lady 2013, a watercolor painting by betsisanders

Title:  Sunflower Lady 2013
Size:  8 x 11 inches
Medium:  Watercolor
Artist: betsisanders 2013
I have made several versions of this Sunflower Lady.
One was sold on opening night.  Others were given
away as gifts.  This one will be displayed in my bedroom
for a while, until I find someone, a friend, 
who will give it a home.
I have been consumed with hurt, anger, and hatred
 towards people who took advantage of my trust
and my kindness.  I've written about closing doors,
losing trust, lies, deception and 'thieves'.
I have been painting a lot, reading, writing, 
blogging .. such solitary activities.
I do it to heal my soul. That's what I think I am doing.
It's been almost six months and it seems
like it is taking forever to heal.  
I've been praying a lot too. Praying my novenas
and reciting the twenty mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
I even went to the Blessed Sacrament, 
but just ended up crying the moment I stepped inside
the chapel. 
What else can I do to heal?
I have forgotten the very basic thing to do.
Stop. Pause. Think of happy thoughts.
Smile. Choose to be happy.
Choose JOY!
Be still. Know that He is with me.
Keep quiet. Keep calm.
.. and the most effective.
No thoughts!
Think of your next thought.
By doing this, you end up having none.
No unhappy thoughts.
Silence. Peace.
/ betsisanders 2013

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Blue Dress, a watercolor painting by betsisanders

Title:  Blue Dress
Size:  8x11 inches
Medium:  Watercolor
Artist:  betsisanders 2013
Took me only an hour to finish this watercolor painting. 
Saw some sketches at Pinterest and made my own version.
Thank you to talented people who share their work on the internet.
I am also sharing my work in the www.
This is what I do. I paint. I write and I blog.
I do not even sell my paintings. I either donate them,
or give them away as gifts .
I am the most 'transparent' person, for lack of a better adjective.
What you see, what I do, what I say is who I am.
No lies, no pretensions.
/ betsisanders 2013

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Yellow Dress, a painting by betsisanders

Title: Yellow Dress
Size:  8 x 11 inches
Medium:  Watercolor on Paper
Artist:  betsisanders 2013

/ betsisanders 2013

Rainy Day, painting by betsisanders

Title:  Rainy Day
Size:  8 x 11 inches
Medium:  Watercolor
Artist:  betsisanders 2013
My favorite author, Paulo Coelho, posted this photo 
on his FB timeline about two weeks ago. 
So that's what writing does to his mind and his heart. 
Hemingway says, "..  that there is nothing to writing.
All you do is sit down on a typewriter and bleed."
I can never  really write as good, 
but I try to do what I can.  
Son says,  "Mom, it takes practice." That's easy for him to say.
 He was educated at the ADMU, graduated with honors 
and now a university scholar at the UP. 
Thanks Son, I try to do my best.
Today is the second day of September 2013.
It's been raining non-stop for days and
we almost missed our trip to Palawan 
due to the storm and the monsoon rains.  
I love the rain. .. and that rainy days on Monday 
never get me down. I even like songs about the rain,
"raindrops keep falling on my head..."
"... sa tuwing umuulan at kapiling ka..."
I know I have blogged about the rain many times. 
(That's a blog entry about a Rainy Monday.
... and this quote was posted in the blog. So true.
I have had lots of lessons in my life!
This is another photo from the FB timeline of Iyanla Vanzant.
Iyanla says, “We all have somebody in our lives who has the uncanny ability to push our buttons. We think it is the other person. Surprise, surprise! The problem doesn't lie in the other person, it lies in us! No one can push our buttons unless the buttons are connected. Detach whatever fear, guilt, shame, or anger we have attached to the issue and people will be unable to push us.”
The only way to happiness and peace is to detach one's thoughts and feelings from people, things, issues, events. Focus on the self. Focus on healing. I know how to heal myself. I've done it before.
Detach. Cut the Cords. Close the doors. Turn away.  Don't look back. Ignore.
Love yourself. Love  those who love you back.
Just have to remind myself all the time!
I paint, I write then I blog. These activities silence my mind,
fill the empty holes in my heart and nurture my soul.
/ betsisanders 2013