Monday, January 16, 2017

Closed Door, an acrylic painting by betsisanders 2017

Title:  Closed Door
Size:  8 x 11 inches
Medium:  Acrylic on Canvas
Artist:  betsianders 2017


" Only these precious smiles are important to me.
Nothing else matters." (betsisanders 2017)
We were in Palawan last week.  This trip has been planned
early last year and this is our fourth time in Palawan.  
Last time was  January 2015 in El Nido.
It's because of this trip that I missed attending our 
high school class reunion over the weekend. 
It irks me to hear that someone would say that
 I intentionally chose this date to go on a vacation 
with my family just so I wouldn't attend that reunion.
No dearie ... you are soooo wrong!
Travel dates are dependent on factors like
low season / promo fares and  birthdays or anniversaries.
But if you still think that I chose these dates on purpose,
then so be it!!!  I'd rather be with those people who love 
me most than spend an afternoon with people I hardly
know or those I have chosen to walk away from.

Paulo Coelho wrote:
"Close some doors
Not because of pride, incapacity
or arrogance, 
but simply because 
they no longer lead somewhere."

And may I quote myself...
I've been hurt many times.
Cut the cords.
I turned my back, walked away,
closed doors, bolted them and 
kept them shut.

I've mellowed down.
Not feisty nor fierce anymore.
That's what I tell friends, those
ones I have chosen to stay.

I value my peace of mind.
I love myself more.
I respect me.
I will close my door again...
quietly... (I hope...)
But I have this urge to slam it first.

Sigh ...  they just aren't worth my time
and my love.
I will keep them in my heart
.... not in my life.
(written on November 2015)

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