Tuesday, August 14, 2012

lovely birds / watercolor

Title: 'lovely' birds
Size: 5 x 7 inches
Medium: Watercolor on Paper
Artist: betsisanders

"I long for silences with another where there is nothing to forgive or explain or justify, where we agree to abandon quickly spoken words for a time so we do not abandon ourselves or each other, the silences where no one asks me to choose between belonging to myself and being with the world."
Oriah, Mountain Dreamer

Don't you just love this piece from Oriah? She puts together simple words so beautifully. She doesn't use overelaborate, flowery, oratorical words. Those highfaluting terms that some writers use are incomprehensible!

Oriah talks about silence, a shared silence. That is how friendships should be. To be able to understand the other's silence is a true test of friendship. Going for long periods of time without a phone call, an SMS or even an email from old friends, yet still feel connected to each other, is priceless, precious. I thrive on this kind of relationship.


finally met up with an old frined, my bff , aya :) we were laughing and chatting like we were still in high school . as if time, like the thirty years that separated us, never transpired. we are those two birds chirping away.

betsisanders / August 15, 2012

[The watercolor painting is my version of an original painting by a foot and mouth artist, Bestham]

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