Wednesday, September 12, 2012

pre christmas dinner with friends from grade school / dec 2011

The 'girls I used to hang out with' and I got together for dinner at Crisostomo's in honor of our funniest wackiest 'oldest' FA for Delta Air, Christine. My alter ego, Cynthia, also joined us for dinner. These ladies have been my friends since Grade 5, when Christine and I were both new students in St Paul.

As usual, Christine , who is always panicking, would call and text me days before her arrival in Manila. There were several times when we'd all plan for a dinner and Christine would not make it to Manila. She would either change her mind and fly to Barcelona instead , or miss her flight because she flies stand by. We, her faithful friends would patiently reschedule our dinner and call it the 'stand by dinner'.

Ok Christine, I hate to say this but.. It is good to see you. Just like old times, you never fail to make us laugh, ...laugh with you ...but most of the time, laugh at you. :)

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