Thursday, September 27, 2012

prescriptions for betsisanders, to have a healthy, happy life ....


I'm a dentist and I write prescriptions for medicines that alleviate pain and suffering. But I also write another kind of prescription... those that inspire, give meaning & inspiration to my life and therefore make me happier.
In constant pain, both physical & emotional pain.Angry at user friendly frenemies.Sad, for wasting time, energy, even money on user friendly frenemies.


Prescription #1

Think happy thoughts.

Sig: Take three times daily, 24/7

“Some people are like slinkies --- not good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.”This is funny, hilarious. Made me laugh out loud when I imagined my frenemies rolling the stairs. Mean? Yes. But I'm sure they think the same way too. That's how I feel about those people whom I have banished from my life, such user friendly, ungrateful fools. However, these are just thoughts, monstrous thoughts, harmless funny thoughts, which I can just laugh about. No further action is necessary. Feel the feeling and watch the thought. Such monstrous thoughts do not need a reward or a reprimand.  I can think of baking a cake, painting a landscape or pushing my frenemy down the stairs. Don't worry, they are just thoughts. So, if monstrous thoughts invade my tranquil mind, I'll just follow my thoughts. Very soon, these thoughts will disappear, or better still, i'll  think of happy thoughts to replace my monstrous thoughts. Each day, we have 40,ooo to 60,ooo thoughts and these thoughts that we have or indulge in, can make or break us. Remember, happy thoughts made Peter Pan fly =] .

Prescription #2

Live a life with intention.

Sig: QID (4 times daily)

Who wouldn't want to receive a brand new Jaguar sports car and a 4 - wheel drive Range Rover? This rich guy gave her partner, a movie actress, these two vehicles in just one week. What a lucky woman? Would I be happy to be gifted such luxury vehicles? What about owning the latest designer outfits, shoes or bags? I'm sure I'll be jumping for joy, feeling like I belong to the elite, rich and famous people. Or, wouldn't I feel very important to be invited to a celebrity's wedding, birthday bash, or house blessing. Eventually, act as one is  among affluent, influential, high society ladies who 'do lunch'.

Aside from material things,there are other things that can make a person 'happy', such as eating, drinking, smoking, even sex can give a person some kind of 'happiness'. This isn't happiness, this is satisfaction or self gratification, but not true happiness or joy. Do any of these really give meaning to one's life? If  we die today, what will people remember us by? The shoppaholic, bagaholic bitch? The party animal? The extravagant, flamboyant fool? the mistress, 'kabit' 'kept woman' ? or the idle, dull, dumb stay-at-home gossip girl?

What do we do? find meaning in what we do?  leave a mark? a legacy, give inspiration to people so they can live good lives. share  knowledge , time or even the little that one has to others in need.

We all die, sooner or later. We live in borrowed time. The happiest people are those who had left things better than the way they had found them. The happiest ones are 'givers' and not 'takers'... those who lived a life with intention, purpose, meaning. 

When you die, will you be missed? Will you leave anything behind, to serve as a good remembrance of your life? Will your legacy, your words of inspiration, become a guiding light for others to remember you by? Will you have no regrets, no unfinished business?

So........stop gossiping or indulging in idle, senseless unintelligent conversations. Stop identifying with material things or branding yourself as a shopaholic or a bagaholic, you are just telling the world how 'sick' you really are. Stop pretending to be other than who you are...

People know who is, who was and who will always be. No amount of 'pretense' can change the past, how I once lived, how I once was. I have been consistent.  I lived my life being extra nice to all of you.  If what I did wasn't enough, it is enough for me.  What matters is how I live now, how I look today, and what I have achieved on my own today. My paintings, my books, I will leave behind.  The truth is that I have lived my life helping others is more than enough.  I intend to live the rest of my life in peace and only with those who love me back, love me more and love me most.   

Prescription #3

Choose your company well.

Sig: Taken daily.

Amputate relationships that are heavy and weigh you down because user friendly, ungrateful, depressed, pretentious people will use up all your time and resources. I have banished such people in my life and now I have more time to spend with those people who matter to me. I have more time to work and fulfill my dreams. When these frenemies were around me, all I did was listen to them cry at night. They used up most of my time. Instead of painting, reading or writing, I'd have to listen to their sad stories, their never ending whining, their complaints, their insecurities,their financial problems, even problems with their in-laws.

I didn't just give them my time. I gave them free orthodontic treatment, free luncheons for their in-laws, free birthday parties, free swimming parties, free dental services for their families and friends, free birthday cakes, free pasta, pastries and cash. These frenemies accepted all my gifts and services. They practically lived in my house. I even took care of their kids, like a baby sitter. One  accepted my check but refused the checks of the other girls.

What do I get in return? nothing...I am the bad person. I gave until it hurt and no amount of 'backstabbing', 'rumor mongering' or 'character assassination' can change the fact that I have been used. Whose fault was it? Mine... because I made the wrong choices. But not anymore. I will forget the dull, dumb, loud, ungrateful, uncouth, uncaring, unappreciative, pretentious, user friendly, ugly (physically ugly), repulsive, hideous, liars, fiends!!! I choose to be with smart, honest, grateful, kind, sweet, caring, appreciative, intelligent and beautiful ladies From now on, I will choose my company very well.


Prescription # 4

Count your blessings

Sig: Take it at bedtime. About an hour

before going to bed, pray ... and when
you do, thank God for all the
blessings He has given.

I have always counted my blessings. In fact, I just didn't count them, I even shared my blessings with a lot of people, even frenemies, who actually benefitted more than my other friends and relatives.
Kindness begets kindness. Love begets love. Those frenemies are not around anymore to return the favors or the gifts, but, somehow my blessings abound, and they come from other people. Most of all, I know that God sees how I was kind and generous to everyone, and that is enough, more than enough. I gain graces in heaven. 


"No amount of backstabbing, character assassinations or rumor mongering can change anything. I was a very 'useful' friend and they were user friendly."/ betsisanders

Written on March 16, 2010 / 00:30 am... I just published this now, September 27, 2012.

The title of this painting is "Forgiveness". It is in my mother's bedroom.

Forgiveness is the Treatment to this ... my ailment. 

Learn to forgive and forget them. That's the only way to be free of pain, suffering, anger and sadness.

Live, love and be happy always. / betsisanders 2012

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